As with any weight loss plan, consulting a professional healthcare is advised. So off to the vet we go...
I found out it takes $64 to evaluate a dog's overall health, and $96 to test a dog's thyroid. The young vet assitant told me he'd bet his life Bella had a thyroid disorder. He looked down at my obese, lifeless retriever, and assured me we could solve this quickly and affordably. Hmm....
I spent $160 to be told my golden retriever is just fat...just plain fat (and not ph-at). No thyroid disorder, no major health flags- just fat. He put her on Canine RD twice a day and NO TREATS!
I employed my father-in-law (pictured above) who was in town for a visit to help me do the first official weigh in after her first week on the diet. Very technical, highly scientific method: he weighed himself on my $20 scale from Bed, Bath and Beyond, and then quite easily (again, see picture above) picked up Bella and stepped ont the scale again.
She gained 2 lbs. From what I recall, the vet said she would lose 2

lbs the first week. I'm flabbergasted. I haven't fed her one darn table scrap, no treats and this is the look I get from her at meal time..
I'm not going to lose hope. We now have 14 lbs to lose, and I actually have a few followers on this blog to keep me accountable. Great.
Instead of drowning our sorrows in chocolate we played basketball. If you want to get Bella's heartrate going just pick up a basketball. She goes crazy. Following a hearty Italian meal, I came home motivated (thanks to the sudden spike in my blood sugar from my dinner of refined white sugar in the form of pasta) to help my golden lose 12 (wait now it's 14) lbs. My dad and dad-in-law helped me have Bella huffing and puffing tonight at 9:30 pm CST by a quick game of pick-up. For you followers out there...this workout was for you...