My dad, Bob Perry, went in for a routine eye surgery on Thursday, April 7th, to open a shunt that was placed in his left eye a few weeks earlier. When the doctor opened the shunt, his eye was infected with Staph. He has lost most of his vision in his left eye, and doctor's told him his retina could possibly regenerate in a year, enough for him to be able to read, but there are no guarantees. As of now he has very little to no vision in his left eye, and his right eye lost much of its vision to glaucoma years ago. The doctor's told my dad it is unlikely he'll ever drive again. If you know my dad, than you know how much he loves his cars. It's been a bitter pill to swallow for all of us.
My dad is going to hire a driver, and last I heard the search was narrowed down to a 75 year-old retiree and a 26 year-old model...wonder which one he'll choose???? I guess having a blonde model drive him around will be the silver lining to all of this.
This has been a very challenging time for my family, particularly my mother and father. This has shocked us all, and we've been doing our best to pick up the pieces and figure out what our "new normal" will look like for our family. I can tell you my dad has taken the news quite hard, and is in need of some cheering up, and of course, prayers. My mom is wearing a brave face, but there are times when I see her true feelings, and I know this too has turned her world upside down. Maybe we could hire a male model to help her around the house...
My parents are s

My father raised me to not be a quitter. His mantra in life is "never quit". It's now my turn to say this to him because I can only imagine how discouraging it is to lose your eyesight. Please keep him, and my mother, in your thoughts and prayers.
Bob and Sue Perry
4794 Southlake Parkway
Hoover, AL 35244