Josh at South Shades Crest Animal Clinic was disappointed too. As he lifted her on the scale with a grunt, he stared dejectedly at the number and sadly recorded it in her file. But as we left he give her a pat on the head of encouragement.
I'm not sure what went wrong this week, but I can tell you my mom bought Bella special "Easter" treats, and I couldn't let the decorated dog cookies just go to waste. We all need a little treat now and then. The problem is her activity level. To lose weight you have to decrease your calories plus increase your activity level. Bella needs to work on the last part. As you can see from the picture she loves napping...even in the middle of playing with her toys.
I met an eight month old male English Golden Retriever, just like Bella, yesterday. He was laying on the sidewalk outside of a bustling, downtown Annapolis. People everywhere! While much thinner than Bella he was equally as lazy. I tried explaining to the owner what's to come. He refused to listen, only to say his dog is "show quality." Yeah...and so is Bella. It must be a breed thing. I think we need to invest in a K9 Treadmill.