Monday, March 22, 2010

Weigh In 2: Previous weight 84 lbs, New weight...

Previous weight: 84 lbs

NEW WEIGHT.... 83.1 lbs!

She lost .9 lbs- not much, but at this point I'll take anything. Josh (pictured) will be working with us from here on out- he works at a vet closer to my home which makes it more convenient for our "weigh ins".

.9 lbs downs, 13.1 lbs to go...


  1. is it possible there is a difference in the scales?

  2. Waaaay to go, Bella! I'm behind you all the way!!! Love, Aunt Becky

  3. From the Iowa Kennels.
    Maggie just weighed in at a nice balance of 22 lbs. She has weighed 22 lbs. for the last three month's. She made me write this just to kick sand in Bella's face.
    Every since she encountered a first hand view of the under side of a vehicle, she's been kind arrogant and out spoken. But, she still loves Bella and wishes her well.

    Denny, Patty, and Maggie.
